On the way south through Gold Beach the rain paused a few minutes so I stopped for a stretch and shot a couple of pics along the harbor. I love the bridge across the bay, they don't seem to build them with that architectural style any longer, probably too costly these days. Most all coastal harbors have their share of sunken or abandoned ships and Gold Beach is no exception. There's one close to Jerry's Rogue Jets, a popular tourist attraction that runs wide-eyed folks up and down the Rogue river. At that hour I was definitely the only tourist there.
Our turn out for breakfast was on the low side, barely a dozen or so hearty souls most of whom drove instead of riding. Blame it on gnarly weather or higher intellects, which ever works. I rode per usual as did Susan, one of the regulars. Unless she's off to Alaska or on some other adventurous ride she shows up, rain or shine. Our group is very diversified, some cruisers, some adventure riders, and a scattering of sports riders.
After the feeding frenzy ended it was back out into the familiar rain heading north towards Bandon and home. As I started across the bridge in Gold Beach it began to hail like nobodies business and I figured I was really in for it. Luckily it only lasted a few miles and then settled down into more miserable rain accompanied by wind gusts. Ugh, I don't like riding in hail.
Drifting through Langlois I paused again for another photo op, this time to record for all posterity the Greasy Spoon Cafe. Hey why not, how many more years has that puppy got? They're closed on Sundays so no inside shots but the I've eaten there (once) and I can honestly say it's, er, uh, different? The lady who runs the place is very nice and the locals who stop by for lunch are laid back and friendly. If you're in the area around noon maybe you should pop in for a burger or chowder? Places like the Greasy Spoon are fast disappearing from the American landscape and in a few more years many of them won't be around.
That's it, all done for today, I got home around 11:30am cold but not too wet thanks to the gear I wore. My email informs me the new volt meter for the bike is on it's way from the UK and should arrive early next week so I can start on another mini project. Yippee...
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