It was cool as could be expected and after the first 90 miles or so I elected to put the heated vest on. That coupled together with heated grips did the trick and the cool spring day turned into sunny warm summer. Jerry Smith rode with me as far as Winston where we had lunch at the Sub Shop and then he turned back to the real world for people with jobs. Been there, done that.
Riding through Dillard I eventually hooked up with I-5 and continued south until the Klamath Falls exit. Mt McLoughlin posed off to the east along the freeway, still sporting a full crown of snow. Turning off I-5 I rode NE on highway 66 towards Keno on some of the twistiest road I’ve traveled on. You can tell something about a road when you realize you’re the only one on it. Great fun on a lean bike but the Ninja doesn’t exactly fit that description these days so it was a bit more entertaining than usual.
I’d hoped to find a campground for the evening around Keno but such was not my luck, all of those were closed. I continued on into Klamath Falls and scored the last ground level room at the Quality Inn for a very low price of $68.00. They include WIFI, breakfast and the Chinese place next door gives a 10% discount for guests, not a bad deal and the food is pretty good.
All told it was a good day. Thanks for lunch Jerry, my turn next time.
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