After that we headed home for lunch and relaxing plus I bit the bullet and washed El Nino for the first time since leaving home. Sadly she’s acquired quite a few deep scratches and her paint is rubbed through in several areas. Anyone seeing her for the first time would likely think she’s been treated badly but in truth she’s just showing the effects of long distance traveling. So far she’s running solid and her gas mileage remains right around 55 mpg, very satisfactory in my book. I think El Nino was made for this.
We lazed around for a few hours and when we were rested up a bit we headed into Campbellsville for dinner at Garcia’s Mexican Restaurant where we had a really great meal. I had the best fish tacos since my last trip to San Diego several years ago. Then we made a bee-line to the local ice cream parlor for deserts, which after eating I felt like I needed to have a lie-down. It was still a bit early though, so we went for a drive by the park at Green River Lake and then stopped to visit with Dick and Linda’s oldest daughter and her husband. They’ve got two great dogs and I managed to get them both so wound up they’re probably still panting.
On the way home I saw the first Lightning Bugs I’d ever seen; they were everywhere along the roadside, thousands of them. I’d read about them in stories but this was a real treat for me. Finally home for the evening I laid out my GPS route for the next couple of days as I head towards Kansas City. I’ll focus on back roads again and hope I don’t run into too much bad weather, I’ve already seen as much lightning as I care to.
Man, this place is hotter than a pepper sprout!
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