When I set up the GPS for today’s travel I selected lots of back roads again. That meant instead of taking 600 miles to reach Kansas City it would take 825, which is a heck of a lot of extra back roads. I’ll stick to the plan unless I get bored out of my skull or winter sets in.
One thing has occurred to plague me, the battery on my cell phone got totally drenched during the time I spent in New Brunswick and it seems to have given up the ghost. Even though it says it’s charged it’s only good for a minute or so on line and then it’s done. This morning I stopped at the first Wal-Mart store I came to as they sell TracFones and I planned to buy a new battery. Not. They referred me to the local Radio Shack as they sell batteries for all kinds of cell phones. Not. Maybe I’ll have better luck in Kansas City.
I rode both the back roads and the slab today, allowing the GPS to move me along. The morning started out pretty neat, within a few miles I’d seen a really long snake crossing the road in front of me and a few minutes later a big doe was standing dead center in the road. She was nice enough to clear out before I got there. Later on workmen paused to wave as I rode by which reminded me how friendly so many people are to bikers. It’s a neat feeling.
One little bit of bad luck happened today, my AirHawk inflatable seat pad went flat again. When I first noticed it I thought things were riding a bit harsh as I’d not used any Anti-Monkey Butt power today but that was not the case. Arriving at the Madisonville, KY Days Inn where I would be staying I submerged it in the bathroom sink expecting the leak location to show itself. Nada, no apparent leaks or bubbles so now I’m not sure what’s going on. I rode over several rough sets of railroad tracks plus there were a lot of rough road miles that may have contributed but if it’s leaking it should show up under water. It’ll probably show up tomorrow when I’m 50 miles down the road. Or maybe my butt's going flat...
I haven’t looked up Madisonville to see where it’s at and since I don’t really care maybe I won’t. The Days Inn motel is nice enough and they have an attached restaurant where I ate an early dinner of fried catfish, beans & onions, hush puppies, and coleslaw. Real southern comfort food done right. Not as good as Linda's cooking but not bad for restaurant fare.
There were zip photo ops today although I'd have liked to have taken a picture of the snake I saw. Unfortunately my camera batteries had gone flat and I hadn't replaced them yet so the moment was lost. The rest of the day didn't have much to offer so this evening I took a shot of the Days Inn sign and El Nino under her cover, both in the dark. Pretty exciting stuff huh?
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